Program Details
The primary raw material for all UBL products is water. Through our sustainability efforts, UBL is constantly striving to reduce fresh water input in production of each hectolitre of beer and is also consistently working towards recycling of waste water coming out of production. Through our CSR interventions we aim to address the rising water crisis in both rural and urban context by focusing on:
Water Conservation: UBL's "water neutral" program is about identifying and implementing large-scale projects to enable water replenishment and recharge. The Water Conservation projects put the run-away rainwater to effective use and help improve the ground water levels which ultimately relieves the farmers of the water woes during summer months and they can use the agricultural land to its full potential. Rainwater harvesting is an important part of this initiative and has been implemented at various places.
Safe Drinking Water: UBL understands that a large percentage of our population still endures daily struggles to access safe drinking water. Its initiatives are aimed at equipping the villages around its breweries with technology that ensures them of water safety and security.